Friday, November 14, 2008

Final Reflection

The knowledge and benefits that I gained from the professional communication course are tremendous. I am sure the effective communication skills I learnt from this course will be useful in the rest of my life journey.

Before taking this course, I thought non verbal communication (NVC) is not very useful since we can communicate verbally. But through this module, I realized that NVC is important and it can make the communication more effective. It is also different from culture to culture and place to place. Therefore , intercultural communication cannot be left out because culture links to a wide range of human feelings and identity. I have also learnt that we need to practise how to listen carefully and actively to others in order to create effective communications.

The resume and job application cover letter writing have improved my writing capabiilties.I have applied a few jobs and gone for job interviews in the past. But I never knew that my cover letter needed to be matched with the job requirements. What I did wrongly was just prepared one general cover letter and submited my job applications by using this general letter. Thanks to ES2007S course and Ms Kim, I learnt how to draft a proper resume and promote myself. Learning taking meeting minutes and preparing meeting agenda is very useful for future career life.

Needless saying, doing research project and giving oral presentations skills will help me a lot for my next year final year projects and design projects. Having a blog buddy and receiving comments from friends improved my weaknesses and understand better others’ persepectives.

Overall, through this effective communication course, I have learnt various useful skills.